How Does Noise Pollution Impact Your Health?
What types of noises bother you? A blaring TV in the living room, a nearby construction site and your neighbor’s barking dog probably come to mind. Noises like these don’t just annoy you, they can also impact your health. We discuss the effects of noise pollution below. What’s Noise Pollution? The World Health Organization (WHO)…
Are Leaf Blowers Harming Your Hearing?
With fall slowly turning into winter, almost all the leaves have made their short migration from tree branches to ground. While clearing your yard may be a nuisance, it can be made even worse if you use a gas-powered leaf blower. This is because even though you are shaving minutes off this dreaded chore, you…
Is Red Wine Good for Your Hearing?
We all know the old adage that a glass of red wine with dinner is good for the heart. Have you ever wondered if wine has any additional health benefits? Researchers suspect that drinking red wine may reduce and even prevent hearing loss. Benefits of Red Wine Antioxidants, a compound commonly found in red wine…
Protect Your Hearing This Summer
Summer is now in full swing in Massachusetts. With this comes backyard BBQs, trips to the lake or ocean and lots of quality family time. But with these summer fun activities does come some risks, especially when it comes to your hearing health. Many popular summer activities can be hazardous to your ears because of…